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  • Jim Butcher: Fool Moon
    Lydbog (net):

    Fool Moon

    Af Jim Butcher (2009)
    Summary: Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden is Chicago's only openly practicing wizard. He is also dead broke. His vast knowledge and magical skills are unfortunately matched by his talent for making powerful enemies and alienating friends. With little more than his integrity left, he accepts an offer of work from Lt. Karin Murphy of the Chicago PD Special Investigations Unit. He wants to redeem himself in Murphy's eyes and make enough money to quiet his rumbling stomach. Soon he finds himself pinned between trigger-happy FBI agents, shape-shifting motorcycle gang members, a threatened mobster boss, and an heir to an ancient curse along with his primal fiancée. Throw in environmental activists and a pair of young werewolves in love and you have something of Fool Moon. Written by New York Times bestselling Author Jim Butcher. Narrated by James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer )

  • Jim Butcher: Grave Peril
    Lydbog (net):

    Grave Peril

    Af Jim Butcher (2009)
    Summary: Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden has had a rough couple of weeks. As the only openly practicing professional wizard in the Chicago area, he has squared off against a multitude of supernatural bad guys. Harry has won the day against demons, poltergeists, sorcerers, trolls, vampires, werewolves, and even an evil faerie godmother. You might think nothing could spook him. You would be wrong. Something is stirring up angry apparitions all over town. Something that can break all the laws of supernatural physics. Something that doesnt like Harry. His closest friends are being targeted. The net is closing in. Harry must find a solution soon or find this is one nightmare from which he will never waken. Written by New York Times bestselling Author Jim Butcher. Narrated by James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer )

  • Jim Butcher: Summer Knight
    Lydbog (net):

    Summer Knight

    Af Jim Butcher (2009)
    Summary: Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden is a very powerful wizard and a dedicated private eye. He is also a wise cracking trouble magnet. Fueled by a tempest of guilt, sleep deprivation, malnutrition, bad temper and frankly awful personal grooming. Harry is hurtling toward oblivion. According to Harry that is nobody's business but his own. The Winter Queen of Faerie manipulates him into accepting a case to solve a murder and stop a war between the courts of Summer and Winter that could have literally earth shattering consequences. His own soul is up for grabs. Dresden must dig deep to discover that at time a willingness to accept a little help from your friends, be they a cub pack of werewolves, old loves in sheep's clothing, or a battalion of pizza loving dewdrop fairies, is a very good thing. Written by New York Times bestselling Author Jim Butcher. Narrated by James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer )

  • Jim Butcher: Storm Front
    Lydbog (net):

    Storm Front

    Af Jim Butcher (2009)
    Summary: My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. I'm a wizard. I work out of an office in midtown Chicago. As far as I know, I'm the only openly practicing professional wizard in the country. You can find me in the yellow pages, under Wizards. Believe it or not, I'm the only one there. With rent past due and a decent meal becoming an issue of some importance, Harry needs work, and soon. A call from a distraught wife, and another from Lt. Murphy of the Chicago PD Special Investigation Unit makes Harry believe things are looking up, but they are about to get worse, much worse. Someone is harnessing immense supernatural forces to commit a series of grisly murders. Someone has violated the first law of magic: Thou Shalt Not Kill. Tracking that someone takes Harry into the dangerous underbelly of Chicago, from mobsters to vampires, while he himself is under suspicion of the crimes. One thing is certain, if he can't stop whoever is on this killing spree, Harry will be the next victim. Written by New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher. Narrated by James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer )