Hon byrjar við ein fjøtrandi lýsing av at flekja – neyv lýsing í hvørjum smáluti, myndarík og vøkur.
Í einum verða vit enn eina ferð sogin inn á oyggjarnar, har einsligar sálir kunnu fjala seg í tómum toftum, har til ber at draga undan, bara tú dugir at seta gørn og orkar at taka eitt tak.
Tey ósjónligu var næstan ein tíðarleys lýsing, tó at hon fór fram fyrst í 1900 árunum. Við hesari kemur samtíðin sjónligari og ógvisligari inn í myndina – pallmyndirnar eru frá seinna heimsbardaga, heystið 1944 og várið 1945.
Ingrid fer av bøkjaraloftinum, har hon flekir fisk einar 10 tímar um dagin og fer aftur til Barroy og vónar, at skyldfólkini fóru at koma út á oynna. Smátt um smátt daga fólkini frá fyrstu bókini fram aftur.
Meðan hon gongur sær fram við fjøruni, sær hon á fuglunum, ið stoyta seg, at okkurt flýtur í vatnskorpuni. Lík reka í land, og teirra millum kemur hon fram á illa brendan mann, sum er livandi.
Ingrid veit ikki tá, at fangaskipið «Rigel» varð søkt í novembur 1944, og stivliga 2000 menn doyðu. Ingrid fær lív í aftur mannin. Hon verður ásttikin í honum, men má eisini má sleppa sær av aftur við hann, tí landið er hertikið.
Síðan sígur umheimurin niður yvir tey, og har koma fólk, sum hava ilt í huga, jagstra fangar og fara illa við Ingrid.
It begins with a spellbinding description of fish splitting – a thorough description of every detail, filled with imagery, beautiful.
Suddenly, we are drawn back to the islands, where lonely souls hide among the empty ruins, where it is possible to pull through, as long as you know how to net and make the effort.
Tey ósjónligu (The invisibles) was an almost timeless account despite its setting in the early 20th century. With this one, contemporary times fill the picture in a more obvious, vehement way – the stage is set during World War II, from the autumn of 1944 to spring of 1945.
Ingrid leaves the cooper’s attic, where she splits fish 10 hours a day, and goes back to Barroy, hoping that the relatives would reach the island. Bit by bit, characters from the first book reappear.
As she strolls along the beach, diving birds draw her attention to something that is floating on the surface of the water. Corpses are drifting ashore, and among them, she finds a severely burnt man, who is alive.
At the time, Ingrid is unaware of the fact that the MS Rigel, which was used to transport German prisoners of war, was sunk in November 1944 with more than 2000 dead. Ingrid manages to revive the man. She falls in love with him but needs to get rid of him again, as the country is occupied.
They are absorbed by the world around them, people with bad intentions arrive, they hunt prisoners, and abuse Ingrid.